Author - Across
CCF Across, formerly CCF Family Ministry, supports and helps drive CCF’s initiative to make Every Family a Discipleship Group (EFAD). We align ourselves with CCF’s mission “to honor God and make Christ-committed followers who will make Christ-committed followers” with a focus on families.
We are committed to serving the entire CCF movement across all life stages, from children, teens, and single adults to young parents, mid-lifers, and seniors.
Our last session will cover the fourth principle of S.A.V.E., which is Emergency Fund and Insurance. You’ll learn: Why you need to build an emergency fund What an...
In session 3, we will learn about the third principle of S.A.V.E., which is InVest for the Long Term. You’ll find out: Why you need to invest What is investing The...
For session 2, you will learn the second principle of S.A.V.E., which is Avoid the Use of Debt. This topic will cover: 4 reasons why you should avoid debt Guidelines on...
In this first session, you will get an overview for the entire series with a focus on the first principle of S.A.V.E., which is Spend Less Thank What You Earn. You will...
Many Filipinos, including Christians, struggle with money, specifically with not saving for emergencies, not earning enough money, and getting into debt. Achieve...