This Bible study devotional covers Nehemiah chapters 11-13. In this passage, we see how quickly the people living in the newly built Jerusalem go...
Category - Bible Studies
This Bible study devotional covers Nehemiah chapters 8-10. In this passage, we see what happens when Ezra reads the law to Israel. They become holy...
This Bible study devotional covers Nehemiah chapters 5-7. In this passage, we see how Nehemiah acted like the king Israel needed by bringing justice...
This Bible study devotional covers Nehemiah chapters 2:9-4:23. In this passage, we read about how Nehemiah rebuilt Israel’s walls despite the...
This Bible study devotional covers Nehemiah chapters 1:1-2:8. In this passage, we read about how Nehemiah interceded for exiled Israel by fulfilling...
This Bible study devotional covers Ezra chapters 7-10. In this passage, we see Persia’s king sending Ezra back to Israel to turn back God’s wrath by...