This Bible study devotional covers Judges chapters 3:7-5. In this passage, we’re introduced to Israel’s first judges – Ehud, Shamgar, and...
Category - Bible Studies
This Bible study devotional covers Judges chapters 1-3:6. In this passage, we read about the downward spiral of the book of Judges: Disobedience...
This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapters 23-34. In this passage, we read Joshua’s final speech to Israel before his death. As always, we...
This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapters 22. In this passage, we read about the altar set up by the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half...
This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapters 20-21. In this passage, we see the allotment of land to the priestly tribe of the Levites as well...
This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapters 18-19. In this passage, we see the allotment of land to the remaining seven tribes as a picture of...