Family Discipleship

What is Family

Family discipleship is the intentional practice of leading your family to grow in their relationship with God.

It is a process by which a family member engages the family through regular study of God’s Word to apply it and grow in Christ-likeness.

This also involves creating a home environment that fosters faith, teaching biblical principles, modeling Christian values, and supporting one another’s spiritual journeys.

Family Discipleship Survey

CCF Across conducted a 2021 discipleship survey among CCF members.
We found out, among male responders, that:
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Said they are responsible for discipling their family (vs. 45% of females)

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Shared that their spouse or partner is responsible for discipleship (vs. 30% of females)

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Reported that nobody at home is responsible for discipleship (vs. 16% of females)c

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Are concerned about how to disciple family members (vs. 16% for females)

Of the 7% of male respondents who said that no one is responsible for family discipleship, the following are the hindrances of discipling their family:

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Said their family members don’t want to be discipled (vs. 20% of females

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Admitted that they don’t know how to disciple their family (vs. 29% of females)

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Said that they are too busy with work or business (vs. 14% of females)

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Noted they would rather spend time on hobbies or entertainment (vs. 7% of females)

Disciple Your Family?

Family discipleship is rooted in the Bible.
A key verse is Deuteronomy 6:6-7:

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

This verse emphasizes the importance of making God’s Word a central part of everyday family life. It calls for parents to actively teach their children about God in all aspects of their daily routines, modeling a life of faith and obedience.

Every Family a Discipleship Group

Dgroup is CCF’s primary ministry. While we are encouraged to join and lead small groups of other believers from different life stages, our family should be our first Dgroup. Hence, Every Family a Discipleship Group (EFAD).

And just like any Dgroup, a Family Discipleship Group involves meeting regularly with your family members to study God’s Word, share your praise items, pray for one another, and hold one another accountable. Family Discipleship is also life-on-life interaction and should be part of your lifestyle. It means teaching, mentoring, modeling, equipping, admonishing, encouraging, and praying for your family members anytime, anywhere.

Can Be Part of Your Family Dgroup?

The typical Family Dgroup is led by the father. However, other family members can disciple their family, too: solo parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, older siblings, and cousins can all disciple their family members as well and form their Family Dgroup.

So, this means Family Discipleship is not just for parents. It’s for married couples without children, single adults, grandparents, teenagers, and extended family members who want to intentionally guide their family to learn about the Bible and grow in their faith.

Want to start your
Family Discipleship journey?