Learn what a mentor family is, how it benefits the single mother tremendously and what you could do to become one.
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Find out how father and mother wounds affect our current and potential leaders on a deep level, and some ways we can avoid leading from our woundedness.
O.B.E.D.I.E.N.C.E. is the Kids Church series parallel to M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E. for adults. Each Bible Video Lesson comes with a one-page Parent’s Guide to help...
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Many people think that work is a curse and a burden, but despite the stress and demands of work, God has a purpose for the work He has called us to do. How many hours do...
Has the pandemic impacted your business, career or family? Learn how you can pivot, emerge from debt and thrive in this challenging environment. Join our host Erick...
Anxiety affects our quality of life – psychologically, relationally, and physiologically. Our resource speakers, Gino & Noreen Eleria, will walk us through an...
Hear and get inspired by the story that started it all from the founder of the movement, Cassie Carstens.
The temptation to compare is as near as your next chat with a friend, trip to the store, or check-in on social media. And whether you come out on top or come up lacking...