In an age of relativism, is there truth? You bet! And with God’s help, we can know it! This three-week series will help preteens learn the lifelong habit of untangling...
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God’s truth is black and white and even though there is no gray area, that’s where so many of us live today. We prefer to live by the concepts or facts we...
What Is the Connection Between Storing Up Treasures in Heaven and Living the Good Life Here on Earth?
In this video clip, Randy Alcorn talks about the connection between storing up your treasures in Heaven, while also living the good life here on earth. This video from...
Learn what TWNAF is, why we call ourselves a movement and the most important thing you can do as part of TWNAF.
Vibe Check – Vibe Check: True Freedom is in Jesus (ages 10-12)
There are so many different opinions about everything! We see it in TV shows and films, our social media feed, vlogs, and even in songs! How do you know if you’re...
Discover what a movement is and learn more about TWNAF as a movement, as well as the core DNA of our structure, how we’ve grown to have a footprint in over 100 countries...
Vibe Check – Vibe Check: Give Thanks to God in Everything (ages 10-12)
Lots of toys, gadgets, nice clothes — is there something you must have for you to be happy or are you satisfied with what you have right now? Let’s discover...