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Discover the most common questions we get about mentoring, and how much value being involved in mentorship relationships can add to your life.
Discover the underestimated power of accountability, and how building a table of support will make your life better.
In this video clip, Randy Alcorn talks about 1 Timothy 6:11 & 17-18 and the good news about money and how it can be used. This video from when Randy gave a message...
In this video clip, Randy Alcorn talks about humans as the image bearer of God and how that impacts our giving. This video from when Randy gave a message for the...
O.B.E.D.I.E.N.C.E. is the Kids Church series parallel to M.O.T.I.V.A.T.E. for adults. Each Bible Video Lesson comes with a one-page Parent’s Guide to help...
Module 2.5: The impact of fatherlessness – it reflects in the pain of our children
Learn about the wounds children experience due to absent or abusive fathers, and how those wounds can affect them as they grow up.
Learn what our primary calling is and how we should live it out.
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