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Module 4.7: Healing of wounds through inner victory and help from your table of support
Identifying the wounds and forgiving your parents are the first steps. But the real change happens when we step into that forgiveness. Discover how you can do that, and...
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How Does Scripture Define the Good Life and How Is it Different from the World’s Definition?
In 2019, Randy Alcorn was interviewed about his book Giving Is the Good Life at the Compassion International Chapel. In this clip, Randy talks about...
God’s Young Stewards – Lesson 6: Young Stewards of Relationships (ages 4-9)
Hey, kids! Did you know that God also gave you the connections that you have with other people? How do you become good stewards of these connections? Let’s learn...
Vibe Check – Vibe Check: Honor God with Your Emotions (ages 4-9)
Let’s open the new Vibe Check series with today’s lesson about understanding how our negative emotions affect our relationship with God. Grab your Bibles...
Module 2.4: Fatherlessness reflects in the false self-concepts that people live by
Discover the three essential needs children have, and how not having those needs met can lead to a false self-concept later in life.
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Did you know that God owns time? He created it! That means, we are to be good stewards of time, too. Let’s learn how!
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