Depression can leave us feeling dark, hopeless, and distant from God. Whether it’s our own or that of our loved ones, how should we handle depression and find healing in the midst of it?
Did you know that our emotions are barometers reflecting the health of our spiritual life? Spiritual maturity and emotional maturity also go hand in hand.
Depression is an overwhelming feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and helplessness. It is related to anxiety and fear. If you are not able to control it, depression may lead to suicide. This issue is very relevant in these times as more people are depressed today because of the pandemic. How then do we gain victory over depression?
- What fears do you have that make you want to run or give up?
- What can you do to have a biblical mindset?
- How can you be more sensitive to the voice of God?
This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.
JAMES 1:19-20
- Pray for people going through depression—both clinically diagnosed or not, for them to trust in the Caring, Almighty, Sovereign, Trustworthy God.
- Offer your listening ear, encouraging words, hug, or material blessings to someone who
is feeling down. - Share the good news that we can have a full, abundant, and victorious life through the
Lord Jesus Christ.
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