
Anger is a normal emotion that is neither good nor bad. It’s what we do with it that matters! Uncontrolled anger can be destructive, negatively affecting us and others. How then can we deal with the toxic emotion of anger?

There are two types of anger that can be comparable to explosions of dynamite:

1) Implosion – this harms and impacts us causing us to be narrow-minded as we harbor thoughts that may be shortsighted.

2) Explosion – this is an external manifestation of anger wherein we let hurtful words fly out that damage relationships especially with our family and friends, and as believers, also damages our testimony.

In James 1:19-20, we are commanded to be “slow to anger”. As a matter of fact, “slow to anger” is a phrase used to describe God Himself! (Psalm 145:8) Does this mean that God gets angry? Yes! God is a Holy God, He is angry towards sin and cannot let it slide. God is also a just God, therefore sin must have its consequences.

However, God is also described as gracious, merciful, and great in lovingkindness. As we seek to be like God in being slow to anger, we are also to exercise being gracious, merciful, and great in lovingkindness in situations and towards people who may cause us to feel angry. How can we conquer this dynamite emotion of anger?


  • Share an example of a time when you got angry and regretted it. What did it reveal about the root cause of your anger?
  • Which of the biblical ways of defusing anger is most helpful to you and why?
  • How can you improve at depending on God’s sovereignty in times when you are tempted to be angry?


I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and
what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.



  • Pray for people who are struggling with destructive anger that they may be set free from bitterness that may be causing them to hurt those around them.
  • Share to them the good news of our forgiveness in Christ that they too may learn to forgive those who may have provoked them to anger.


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