
When we don’t know who we are or where our life is headed, life can feel flat and meaningless. How can we overcome our feelings of emptiness and find purpose in life again?

Have you ever asked what your purpose is? Are you wrestling with a sense of purposelessness in your life?

There was somebody who was very much like that in the Bible. King Solomon was the richest and wisest man that had ever lived. He had everything. He did not hold back and tried all the pleasure
that he could have (Ecclesiastes 2:10). His conclusion was that all was vanity (Ecclesiastes 2:11) and futility (Ecclesiastes 2:17).

Death is sad, but there is something sadder than death, and that is a life without purpose! How do we overcome purposelessness?


  • Where are you getting your identity from right now? Who are you in Christ?
  • What distracts you from fulfilling God’s purpose in your life?
  • Jesus said, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” How does this truth impact the way you live out His purpose for you?


He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.



  • Pray for people who are feeling empty, burnt out, lost, and wandering through life without purpose.
  • Be a channel of blessing to them through your words, actions, and influence. Live a life intentionally doing good works for others.
  • Share the good news that there is a purpose-driven life in and through Jesus Christ.


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