
Intimacy in relationships has the idea of closeness, close familiarity, deep friendship, and mutual vulnerability. It is being fully known, and yet despite our flaws, being full loved.

The principle of Intimacy is this: the close the relationship, the greater the influence. If our children or disciples do not not experience intimacy or closeness with us, they will eventually gravitate towards others (peers or barkada) and eventyally to the world’s influence. Before we know it, we will have lost our chance to influence their lives for the better.

How can we pursue intimate relationships with our loved ones?


  • How intimate is your relationship with your family and Dgroup? Do you know their fears and concerns?
  • Have you caused someone to have a “wounded spirit”? How will you initiate reconciliation?
  • The greatest gift we can give others is reconciliation to God through Jesus. Who will you share this truth with this week?


  • Pray for loved ones to first have a vertical relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
  • Be a mediator and peacemaker in your family and other relationships.
  • Share the truth that one has to be reconciled with God through Jesus Christ, that we are able to forgive because we ourselves are forgiven.



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