
The principle of AFFIRMATION teaches us that “positive words impact us positively, and negative words impact us negatively.” Affirmation is all about encouraging, uplifting, and inspiring others. It is declaring something that is true and positive about a person. It’s not flattery, but genuinely confirming the potential of something good in someone’s life and helping them see their potential.

In Mark 1:11, God affirmed His relationship and intimacy with Jesus as His Son. If God the Father would affirm Jesus this way, how much more should we learn to do this with others.


  • Are you affirming other people’s great qualities and characteristics? How can you be more intentional in doing this?
  • Do you remember being careless with your words? Recall those whom you’ve hurt and rebuild stronger ties!
  • Which of the four ways of affirmation do you need to work on the most? How will you improve on it for His glory?


  • Pray that God gives us the right heart, right words, and right time to show affirmation to others.
  • Use God’s words to build up others around you-even through social media.
  • Share life­ giving words through the good news of salvation to those who do not know Jesus yet as Savior and Lord.



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