Playlist - Achieve Financial Well-Being Through S.A.V.E.

Many Filipinos, including Christians, struggle with money, specifically with not saving for emergencies, not earning enough money, and getting into debt. Achieve Financial Well-Being Through S.A.V.E. is Across Ministry’s original resource for families.

This 4-part video series covers the 4 principles to make your family wiser and happier when it comes to financial stewardship. S.A.V.E. stands for:

S – Spend Less Than You Earn
A – Avoid Debt
V – InVest for the Long Run
E – Emergency Fund and Insurance
With Biblical principles, relevant statistics, and sound financial advice, you will learn not only practical steps to manage your family’s finances better but also have the proper Biblical perspective in handling what ultimately belongs to God.

Watch all sessions on your own, teach the materials to your family members or DGroup, or run it in your satellite or life-stage ministry.

Aside from the videos, you can download all the slides, plus a workbook and Excel toolkit, complete with budgeting, debt management, insurance, and investing spreadsheets!