Swipe Right (6-12th Grade): Session 3 – Guard Your Heart


Some of the most powerful forces on Earth are love, sex, and romance. In fact, relationships are a matter of life-and-death importance. So how can you train today for the relationship you want tomorrow? God’s plans for your life are not intended to kill your joy but to enhance it. You won’t want to miss this series, Swipe Right.

Love, sex, and dating are some of the most popular topics of conversation among students. These areas are also some of the toughest issues for students to navigate. They have the potential to learn from them or be scarred by them.

This three-week series from guest speaker and author Levi Lusko will help students learn how God feels about love, sex, and dating. The message isn’t “don’t have sex.” The message is “be willing to wait for when it’s godly and right.”

Since the topics of love, sex, and dating can be delicate, make sure you’re ready to respond to students’ questions and opinions.

Download Leader Guide for Session 3

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