
Focus on your relationship with God first.

In this session, we will discuss how often in our marriages and relationships we’re looking in the wrong direction for our happiness. In the Bible, God tells his people that they have dug their own broken wells (cisterns) looking for water, when really, He is the well that quenches thirst (Jeremiah 2:12-13). It’s the moment we go “vertical” towards God that our thirst is quenched, and we can go to our partner and become a giver instead of a taker.

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FamilyLife provides biblical, practical help for the relationships that matter most, fueling you to impact your corner of the world. The family ministry of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), FamilyLife exists to help families grow together and impact their corner of the world. We believe family is the greatest untapped resource for bringing good to the world.

Across has partnered with FamilyLife Philippines, a non-denominational, non-partisan, non-profit, non-government organization committed to strengthening and equipping the family.

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